Tuesday 14 May 2013

Reading Challenges

It is not too late to register for the reading challenge. All you have to do is collect a registration form from the office and get it signed and return as soon as you can.
This is a great opportunity for Senior students especially as reading 5 nights a week is part of their weekly homework. There is an extensive list of books that are recommended on the website that students can borrow from the school library or the local library. They might even discover a new genre or series that they enjoy through taking part in this challenge. Good luck Seniors!

Another opportunity to participate in a reading challenge and win one of two BMX bikes is happening right now. Students need to read for the 30 days of May, fill in the sheet they were provided with by their home group teacher, get it signed by an adult and return it to the office at the end of May.
Best of luck Seniors - let's hope at least one of those bikes go to a student in the SLU.

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