Tuesday 28 May 2013

Well Done Seniors Student Of The Week!

Great job to all the seniors who got student of the week. You really tried hard, these people are for week 5,

SENIOR A- James Leighnitz

SENIOR B- Jarryd Wood

SENIOR G- Paris McGrath

SENIOR K - Chole Cumming

SENIOR L- Ethan Edwards

SENIOR M- Mia Campling

SENIOR R- Aiden Moyle

Well Done!

Week 6 student of the week are,

SENIOR A- May White

SENIOR B- Lucy Head

SENIOR G- Harry Powell

SENIOR K- Samantha Chapman

SENIOR L- Luke Brozina

SENIOR M- Jacob Ross

SENIOR R- Giorgia Hinkley

Wednesday 22 May 2013

iDrive in the Seniors!

iDrive is off and racing in the Senior Learning Unit. Students have chosen something that they are passionate about and are researching, creating, making, exploring, developing.....you name it they're doing it. It is great to see the students being so independent in their own learning.
Walking through the Unit last week, you would have thought that we had a wood workshop happening mixed with music lessons and textiles classes. It truly was buzzing with all theses noises but also the amazing enthusiasm the students have towards their projects.


Tuesday 21 May 2013

Education Week - Tuesday Morning!

Education week was great, we had a fantastic time.We all did exciting things like making sock puppets, stress balls and much much more!
We would like to thank all the family members that came along to support the us on the morning, it was fantastic see you around the SLU. 

Reminders - Notes and dates of events

Remember to keep bringing in notes for important events this term.
If you haven't done so, or need to bring some in, here are the notes that are out at the moment.
Lightning Premiership notes/forms - due back before June the 4th.
Lantern walk- money and note - due back May the 23rd.
Year 6 transition note is due back on the 31st of May 2013.
Thank you.

Assembly roster

The assembly presenters for this week are:
Rebecca Bobby and Thomas Portsmouth

Student's of the Week

Senior A - Nicholas Mitchell
Senior B - Casey Nonkovic
Senior G - Tenille Davidson-Jack
Senior K - Tayeanne Thwaites
Senior L - Corey Gerdtz
Senior M - Jesse Hasell
Senior R - Charlie Irvin
Congratulations to them all!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

District cross country

The weather was superb for the running of the District Cross Country on the Torquay Foreshore last Friday. Bellaire was well represented with 60 students running in the event. As a school we came 3rd overall and had 4 students receive medal honors.
The top 5 runners in each race went through the regional event that will be held at Eastern Gardens, Geelong on Tuesday 28th of May.

Well Done to all that ran, it was a fantastic day to be involved in.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Naplan Complete!

This week all the grade 5's completed the Naplan tests that all year 5's around Australia participated in. First they did language conventions on Tuesday followed by Writing. On Wednesday they completed  the Reading test. Thursday was the final test of Mathematics.
Naplan is now over and the year 5 students did an amazing job and should be very proud of their efforts.

Student of the week

SENIOR A: Nichola Mitchell - for sensational attitude to life in seniors 

SENIOR B: Casey Nonkovic - for showing great  persistence in the iDrive project.

SENIOR G: Tenille Davison-jack - for her all round positive attitude in all workshops. What a superstar! Keep it up Nilly!

SENIOR K: Tayeanne Thiwaites - for working hard in all of her work shops.

SENIOR L: Corey Gerdtz - for his excellent focus during all maths workshops

SENIOR M: Jesse Hasell - for her enthusiastic approach to the iDrive project! Well done!

SENIOR R: Charlie Irvin - for always taking controll of his learning.

Assembly presenters for this week... 17 / 5 / 13

On Friday the 17 / 5 / 13 the presenters for assembly are Emily Hibble and Billy Duerden. Good         luck!

Aussie of the Month




What an amazing role model Declan has been throughout the SLU. Keep up the great work and we look forward to seeing Declan presenting the Students of the Week at assembly. 

Our Morning for 'Education Week' 9am - 10am

Next week is Education Week and Tuesday morning you are invited to visit your child/re's classrooms to help us celebrate in Literacy hour. This is a fantastic opportunity for grandparents and working parents, who can't be a part of our weekly Parent Helper Program, to come along and join in the learning! If you have a spare minute to drop in or can come in for the whole house, come along as our students would love to see you in their home rooms.

Reading Challenges

It is not too late to register for the reading challenge. All you have to do is collect a registration form from the office and get it signed and return as soon as you can.
This is a great opportunity for Senior students especially as reading 5 nights a week is part of their weekly homework. There is an extensive list of books that are recommended on the website that students can borrow from the school library or the local library. They might even discover a new genre or series that they enjoy through taking part in this challenge. Good luck Seniors!

Another opportunity to participate in a reading challenge and win one of two BMX bikes is happening right now. Students need to read for the 30 days of May, fill in the sheet they were provided with by their home group teacher, get it signed by an adult and return it to the office at the end of May.
Best of luck Seniors - let's hope at least one of those bikes go to a student in the SLU.

Some IMPORTANT reminders!

YEAR 6 Parent Conferences begin next week. All year six students received a note for parents to indicate their preferred time to take part in a conference with their child and home group teacher in the SLU. Please check diaries for note and allocated times!
We look forward to seeing lots of year 6 parents in and around the SLU in the coming weeks.

YEAR 7 APPLICATIONS - Year 7 Applications MUST be returned by Friday the 31st of May!!!

PUPIL FREE DAY is on Friday the 31st of May. No students are required at school as teachers will be busy learning throughout the day.

LIGHTNING PREMIERSHIP winter sports will be held on the 4th of June. More information about venues will be sent home with students in the coming week.

PUBLIC HOLIDAY is for the Queen's Birthday and it falls on Monday the 10th of June. No teachers or students required at school.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Welcome to the NEW and EXCITING Blog for the SLU!

2013 just keeps getting better. This Blog is not only going to keep both students and parents up to date with what is happening but it is also going to be used as a portal for reporting.
Watch this space for further updates!