Thursday 28 November 2013

Upcoming Events

2014 Parent Information Sessions: The 2014 Information Sessions will be held on Tuesday the 10th of December.At 6pm, parents of 2014 Junior students are invited to attend the JLU's Information Session, 6:45 will be the MLU's 2014 Information Session, and at 7:30 parents of 2014 Seniors are invited to the 2014 SLU Information Session. 

Transition Day: This year, Transition Day will be on Friday, the 13th of December. As usual, it will be a casual dress day with the theme being Christmas.   

Last Day of Year: The end of this year will be on the 20th of December. We will be having an early finish at 1:30pm.

Year 6 Graduation Evening: The Year 6 Graduation Evening will be on the 17th of December this year.

Bellaire Bunnings Sausage Sizzle: This will be on Saturday the 13th of November. (This Saturday!!).

 Please mark these dates and do NOT forget them.

Wednesday 20 November 2013


-Chocolate Money: All chocolate money should have been returned by now, but if you have not returned this money ($50), please do so as soon as possible.

-Second Hand Uniform Sale: If you would like to help out on the day or have good quality uniforms that you no longer need, please contact or go to the school office. All uniforms will be sold for a gold coin donation, except for kilts, on Friday 29th of November from 2:30 to 3:45pm.

-Hooptime Regionals: Congratulations to the Seniors All Star Girls' Basketball Team for putting a great effort in the Regionals Competition, losing only by 1 point against Williamstown in the Grand Final. The opposition scored the shot in the final few seconds, but the girls (Caitlin R, Olivia H, Kleo LT, Julia E, Rebecca B, Bridget O, Maggie G, Sharnah C and Jesse H) participated well and all enjoyed their time there. Thanks to Angela Hobbs, Ali Hasell, Miss Hannan and Miss Kymantis, without whom the day would not have been possible.

-Walk to School Month: Just a reminder to keep walking to school in November.

-Birthday Assembly: Friday the 22nd of November will be a special assembly, celebrating the 50th birthday of Bellaire. It will start a little earlier than usual at 2:40.

Monday 28 October 2013


-Chocolate Drive: Chocolates were sent home recently. Please return these as soon as possible. This is the biggest fundraiser for the year, and the money raised this year will be going towards a forthcoming playground. It would be greatly appreciated if you could get your money back to school as soon as possible.

-Super 8s Cricket: On 29th of October, students participating in Super 8s Cricket will be attending the event. We hope to publish the results on the blog as soon as we are able to, so keep tuned for the overall scores.

-Parent Information Evening:10th of December is the Parent Information Evening for 2014.

-Debating:6th of November is the Geelong Region debating.

-Please make sure you are at school before the bell! Being late is not acceptable and causes many problems, so make sure you get to school before the music.

-Bellaire Bunnings Sausage Sizzle: Saturday 20th of November is the date when Bellaire is having a Sausage Sizzle. It will be outside Bunnings. If you have spare time on this date and would be happy to help out, please leave your details at the school office.

-The Age Online Honour Roll: This year, the Premier's Reading Challenge Honour Roll will be online at

Student of the week Term 4 week 3

The student of the week for last week was:
 Senior A- Oliver loughnan
 Senior B- Kleo Lunnon-talbot
 Senior G- Paige Gray
 Senior K- Emma Russell
 Senior L- Maggie Greenhalgh
 Senior M- Sienna Linguey
 Senior R- Aiden Moyle
Great job for those who worked well last week.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Student of the week

The student of the week for week 8 are: SA- Megan Russell SB- Thomas Portsmouth SG- Marli Ball SK- Alana Gray SL- Julia Eddy SM- Jasmine Southern SR- Sienna Farnsworth Congratulations on the kids who got the student of the week!


Tomorrow will be the school concert as we will be celebrating the 50th birthday in the preview and evening show. We are looking forward to seeing all the different costumes kids will be wearing on the night and during the day. Thanks

Tuesday 3 September 2013


CONCERT DVD- Get your order in now! Order forms will be avaible from the office - don't miss out! PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE- this is the final week of the reading challenge. Please get your reading done and signed in reading record to the office by FRIDAY THE 6TH OF SEPTEMBER! MASSIVE DISCOUNT ON CURRENT SPORT TOPS- Bellaire PS will be introducing a new senior sports top for 2014 and will have them in stock at the end of the year. They will be similar fabric as the old white tops BUT will not be in white colour. Students are still permitted to wear the older style sports tops as well as the new tops. Therefore, to make way for the new sports the School uniform shop will be selling the white sports tops for ONLY $15 each!!


STUDENT OF THE WEEK Senior A- Samantha Chapman for passing the SA initiation test at camp! Senior B- Abi Hobbs for her initiative and enthuiasum during all camp activities. Senior G- Isaiah Daniels for overcoming his fears at camp. All the way to the top of the giant swing-well done! Senior K- Seth Arnott for his enthusiastic approach and positive attitude on camp. Senior L- Tully Flynn for her enthusiastic involvement and challenging herself in all camp activities. Senior M- Emma Baxandall for being a positve role model and excellent team work behavior while on camp. Senior R- Rowan Gough for demonstrating great enthusiam and leadership during camp.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Weekly reminders

School Concert Tickets on Sale 22nd August School Camp 26th-28th August School Concert- 12th September Legacy Badge Week- 2nd-6th September Massive Discount On Current Sport Tops- ONLY $15 each! Premiers Reading Challenge- 2 weeks left
Riddle of the week How can a man can go eight days without sleep? Answer below.

Principal of a Day Program.

Andrew Katos MP came to Bellaire on Wendsdaythe 14th of August to shadow Miss Warren Bellaire Press club interviewed him(See news letter for more infomation.)

Seniors Student of the Weeks.

Senior A:Olivia Hobbs- for outstanding leadership at Bellaire this year. Senior B:Gracie Morrison-for having a brilliant week both inside and outside of school. Senior G:Joss Landgraf-for her determination on her IDrive project. Senior K:Hannah-Mae Cusworth-for showing confidence in her ability to divide decimals. Senior L:Fletcher Moore-for his improved effort and attitude in maths. Senior M:Kyah Elzinga-for displaying confidence and explaining the process of multiplying decimals in maths workshop. Senior R:Jazzy Proud-For her very creative narrative.
Assembly roster. Emma Russell and Cooper Richmond.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

What's coming up!

Reminders: - On the 19th of August it is curriculum day so no students are required at school on this day and its a long weekend - On the 22nd of August concert tickets go on sale - City to surf district athletics carnival is on the 23rd of August - Senior camp is coming up and it is from the 26th to the 28th of August - School concert is also coming up and it is on the 12th of September Thanks By Sara

Student of the week Term 3 Week 4

Here are the Student of the Weeks for Term 3 Week 4-

Senior A- Pahul Virdee, for making a super effort to improve his learning.
Senior B- Brodie Dart, for a great beginning to his new IDrive project!
Senior G- Kate Russell, for her all round positive attitude to all workshops.
Senior K- Mollie Rhook, for her great performance with her debate.
Senior L- Keely Spokes, for the great organisation and planning of her Taylor Swift costume for IDrive.
Senior M- Nicholas Morton, for being a positive, helpful and friendly team member of Senior M.
Senior R- Beth Coppock, for her note taking and her excellent work when working with decimal numbers. 

Congratulations to all Students who got Student of the week!!!
WHAT A WEEK!!! Last week on Friday the 19th there was a footy game or Mexican stand off against the students and teachers. The teachers unfortunately lost in the rain bringing the students in the lead. Thankyou to all the supporters waiting for the results in the rain while Mathew Scarlett umpired. Congratulations to Bridget O'Keefe getting 3rd and Jonathan Burns in a close 2nd but the overall champion of the football ground was Rowan Gough. Thank you to all the teachers, and WONDERFUL students that participated in the match and a huge thanks to Matthew Scarlett and Corey Enwright for umpiring. Until next time teachers!

Solve the Riddle

Can you solve this riddle? If you punch me I will crack, but I will never stop looking back. What am I? Answer: ? Comment if you know the answer!

Assembly Roster And Guidance leaders

The people presenting Assembly this week are: Emma and Cooper For guidance leaders we have Wednesday: Cooper,Sara Joss, Chanpreet Thursday: Isabella,Harry B Tayeanne,Kyle Friday: Will,Caitlin Jayden,Emma Thanks

Tuesday 6 August 2013


Concert coming to town!
For this year 2013 Bellaire Primary schools concert theme is Bellaires 50th birthday. With our concert we our travelling back into the past to see each decade of Bellaire's history. I know there will be builders in the house, computers, iPods, iPads, hipsters, old schoolers, food and many many more exciting people!

                                          Lights Camera Action let the concert begin!


The reminders for this week are:

  • The 'Casey Tutungi' appeal- it is a casual dress day on the 9th of August, that will rase money for Casey's injury.
  • Special lunch day- 9th August
  • Term 3 curriculum day-19th of August
  • Senior camp- hand your money in and start packing 26th-28th of August
  • School concert- Get your DVD covers in by the 16th of August (Look at the concert post for further detail). The concert is on the 12th September.

                                                                Please take note of these!

Seniors Student of the Week.

-Senior A: Riley Hendrickson for eloquently discussing his learning in his conference and one on ones.
-Senior B: Jack Burns for a great attitude and application in maths workshop.
-Senior G: Sara  Chol for her improved ability  to discuss her learning in conferences.Keep it up!
-Senior K:Montana Sterco for being prepared a nod organised for her IDrive.
-Senior L: Gabby Beattie for her detailed explanations about her learning conferencing.
-Senior M:Sienna Linguey for her enthusiastic approach to her maths workshop.
-Senior R:Rose Chen for an excellent start back to bellaire.

Well Done!
Assembly Roster  for this week is
Joss Longref
Keely Spokes

 The Aussie of the month for this term is Jesse Hasel

Saturday 27 July 2013

Student of the Week - Term 3 Week 1!

STUDENT OF THE WEEK     Term 3, Week 1, 2013

SENIOR  A:  Caitlin Reilly for being a happy, helpful class member and displaying fantastic work habits.
SENIOR  B: Ebony Hassall for being a fabulous, friendly member of Senior B.
SENIOR  G:  Nicola Gregory for her fantastic independent working skills and organisation in iDrive time.
SENIOR  K: Olivia Castle for being well organised and ‘ready to go’ for Term 3!
SENIOR  L: Sammy Collocott for her inspirational speech during the debate.
SENIOR  M: Emily Gerdtz for her enthusiastic approach to a new classroom role.  Well done Emily!

SENIOR R: Lillian Essex for her very creative poetry.

Monday 15 July 2013


A huge welcome back from all the staff members of the SLU to all students and their families. We hope you had a fun and relaxing holiday. 
Term 3 is full of excitement and it is busy, busy, busy. A few things to look forward to are:

  • Camp to Lady Northcote
  • Concert
  • A new iDrive cycle 
  • Bellaire's 50th birthday celebration preparations in workshops and around the school
  • City2Surf Athletics
  • Girls Football

Remember to keep checking back on the Blog and reading the school newsletter for more updates and information. 

Census at School - Mathematics Data Collection

The SLU students are taking part in an online survey in the coming week. This survey is an opportunity to have access to data for our 'statistics and probability' work the Senior students will be doing as part of the AusVELS mathematics curriculum. It is an exciting opportunity knowing the data the students will be working with is authentic and is based on students around Australia.
Below is some information from the website for Parents and Guardians and also a link to the website.

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Statistics have an impact on many areas of our lives. For instance, data collected in Australia’s Census
of Population and Housing informs our local and regional governments where infrastructure such as
schools, hospitals and roads need to be built. Indeed, as your children progress through school and
into the workforce, they will be exposed to vast amounts of information influenced by statistics, so it’s
vital that they have a high degree of statistical literacy.

To promote students’ statistical literacy and knowledge of Australia’s Census of Population and
Housing, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has developed CensusAtSchool – an Australiawide educational project which includes an annual questionnaire that opens in February and closes in

The CensusAtSchool questionnaire is free and fun for students to complete. It contains 31 noninvasive questions about students’ preferences and activities such as favourite types of music and
how much time they spend on the Internet. The questionnaire is not compulsory; however, the more
students who take part, the richer the pool of data they can access through our Random Sampler for
use in analysis and investigation.

Respecting privacy and safeguarding confidentiality is fundamental to the way in which the ABS
conducts its business. In keeping with this policy, students cannot be identified from their responses
and none of the information collected in the questionnaire will be used for research purposes.

Allowing your child/children to take part in the CensusAtSchool project will increase their ability to
interpret statistical data, thereby empowering them to make informed decisions. If you have any
further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the CensusAtSchool project team on free call 1800
623 273.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Last Day of Term

The last day of term is always an exciting time. Just a few reminders:

  • It is a casual dress day provided you donate a gold coin. This gold coin donation is going towards World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals. Therefor the theme for he casual dress is - ANIMALS. Come dressed as your favorite animal to support an amazing cause.
  • Students are dismissed at 2:30 on Friday. Lunch will be earlier and assembly will be at 2:00. 
We hope you have a safe, happy and well deserved mid year holiday break. See you on the 15th of July for the beginning of another action packed term! 

Sunday 23 June 2013

Senior hockey tournament

Today, senior students competed in the first ever City to Surf Hockey 7's tournament. 
Bellaire went up against some well trained teams and put in 100% to each game.  The boys scored a goal in their second game.  Unfortunately the girls did not score a goal,  but remaind in good spirits until the final siren.
A big congratulations to all players and a huge thank you to Miss K for all organisation.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Last week the students of the week for Seniors were
Senior A: Amy Pan
Senior B: Phebe de Vries
Senior G: Millie Hedditch
Senior K: Cassidy Sapwell
Senior L: Zalli Fisher
Senior M: Billy Duerden
Senior R: Zoe Perks

Casual Dress Day

On the last day of Term 2 We are having a casual dress day. The theme for the day is 'Animals'. It is a gold coin donation to the charity World Wildlife Fund. JSC suggest that you can dress as your favourite animals colour you could even make some ears and a tail.

Assembly Roster

Assembly Roster:
The next students to be speaking at assembly will be Nelson King and Sharnah Caldow they will be speaking on Friday 21st of June.

What's Happened This Week

This week the seniors have had a homework change. They will receive homework instructions from their maths teacher instead of their homegroup teacher. This is because their maths teacher knows their abilitys better in numeracy. Although students are required to still do 5 nights a week of reading, and that will be checked by their homegroup teacher.

Important Notes and Reminders

Friday, 21st June- Student Reports are sent home
Friday, 28th June- Last Day of Term 2 Assembly is at 2:00 dismissal time is 2:30
Casual Clothes Day- last day of term
Monday, 15th July- 1st day of term 3
Camp notes are due back on the last day of term 2

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Camp note has gone home!

Then Lady Northcote camp note has gone home and everyone got one so there is no excuses on not bringing your note back!

Skills Analysis Workshop

During term 2 some senior students signed up to a special workshop called skill analysis and they got to choose a sports skill they would like to improve or learn. They get one-on-one training with a SEDA student on there chosen skill. Over a five week period the SEDA students will show new techniques and help them improve that skill. Thank you SEDA for letting us have this opportunity!

Important dates

Camp- 26th, 27th, 28th of August
Lantern walk- 21st of June
Planning week- 20th of  June
Reports sent home- 21st of June
Last day of term 2- 28th of June .

Lightning premiership

On Tuesday the 4th of June, all of the senior students participated in lightning premiership. The sports that the students took part in were volleyball, netball, football, t-ball and soccer. The students tried their  hardest and had a great time. Thanks to all the teachers that helped with the sports.

New Aussie of the Month!

Well done to our new Aussie of the Month Olivia Hobbs, great work!

Assembly Speakers

This weeks senior students doing assembly is Kayla Dunn and Eneko Fischer.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Well Done Seniors Student Of The Week!

Great job to all the seniors who got student of the week. You really tried hard, these people are for week 5,

SENIOR A- James Leighnitz

SENIOR B- Jarryd Wood

SENIOR G- Paris McGrath

SENIOR K - Chole Cumming

SENIOR L- Ethan Edwards

SENIOR M- Mia Campling

SENIOR R- Aiden Moyle

Well Done!

Week 6 student of the week are,

SENIOR A- May White

SENIOR B- Lucy Head

SENIOR G- Harry Powell

SENIOR K- Samantha Chapman

SENIOR L- Luke Brozina

SENIOR M- Jacob Ross

SENIOR R- Giorgia Hinkley

Wednesday 22 May 2013

iDrive in the Seniors!

iDrive is off and racing in the Senior Learning Unit. Students have chosen something that they are passionate about and are researching, creating, making, exploring, name it they're doing it. It is great to see the students being so independent in their own learning.
Walking through the Unit last week, you would have thought that we had a wood workshop happening mixed with music lessons and textiles classes. It truly was buzzing with all theses noises but also the amazing enthusiasm the students have towards their projects.


Tuesday 21 May 2013

Education Week - Tuesday Morning!

Education week was great, we had a fantastic time.We all did exciting things like making sock puppets, stress balls and much much more!
We would like to thank all the family members that came along to support the us on the morning, it was fantastic see you around the SLU. 

Reminders - Notes and dates of events

Remember to keep bringing in notes for important events this term.
If you haven't done so, or need to bring some in, here are the notes that are out at the moment.
Lightning Premiership notes/forms - due back before June the 4th.
Lantern walk- money and note - due back May the 23rd.
Year 6 transition note is due back on the 31st of May 2013.
Thank you.

Assembly roster

The assembly presenters for this week are:
Rebecca Bobby and Thomas Portsmouth

Student's of the Week

Senior A - Nicholas Mitchell
Senior B - Casey Nonkovic
Senior G - Tenille Davidson-Jack
Senior K - Tayeanne Thwaites
Senior L - Corey Gerdtz
Senior M - Jesse Hasell
Senior R - Charlie Irvin
Congratulations to them all!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

District cross country

The weather was superb for the running of the District Cross Country on the Torquay Foreshore last Friday. Bellaire was well represented with 60 students running in the event. As a school we came 3rd overall and had 4 students receive medal honors.
The top 5 runners in each race went through the regional event that will be held at Eastern Gardens, Geelong on Tuesday 28th of May.

Well Done to all that ran, it was a fantastic day to be involved in.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Naplan Complete!

This week all the grade 5's completed the Naplan tests that all year 5's around Australia participated in. First they did language conventions on Tuesday followed by Writing. On Wednesday they completed  the Reading test. Thursday was the final test of Mathematics.
Naplan is now over and the year 5 students did an amazing job and should be very proud of their efforts.

Student of the week

SENIOR A: Nichola Mitchell - for sensational attitude to life in seniors 

SENIOR B: Casey Nonkovic - for showing great  persistence in the iDrive project.

SENIOR G: Tenille Davison-jack - for her all round positive attitude in all workshops. What a superstar! Keep it up Nilly!

SENIOR K: Tayeanne Thiwaites - for working hard in all of her work shops.

SENIOR L: Corey Gerdtz - for his excellent focus during all maths workshops

SENIOR M: Jesse Hasell - for her enthusiastic approach to the iDrive project! Well done!

SENIOR R: Charlie Irvin - for always taking controll of his learning.

Assembly presenters for this week... 17 / 5 / 13

On Friday the 17 / 5 / 13 the presenters for assembly are Emily Hibble and Billy Duerden. Good         luck!

Aussie of the Month




What an amazing role model Declan has been throughout the SLU. Keep up the great work and we look forward to seeing Declan presenting the Students of the Week at assembly. 

Our Morning for 'Education Week' 9am - 10am

Next week is Education Week and Tuesday morning you are invited to visit your child/re's classrooms to help us celebrate in Literacy hour. This is a fantastic opportunity for grandparents and working parents, who can't be a part of our weekly Parent Helper Program, to come along and join in the learning! If you have a spare minute to drop in or can come in for the whole house, come along as our students would love to see you in their home rooms.

Reading Challenges

It is not too late to register for the reading challenge. All you have to do is collect a registration form from the office and get it signed and return as soon as you can.
This is a great opportunity for Senior students especially as reading 5 nights a week is part of their weekly homework. There is an extensive list of books that are recommended on the website that students can borrow from the school library or the local library. They might even discover a new genre or series that they enjoy through taking part in this challenge. Good luck Seniors!

Another opportunity to participate in a reading challenge and win one of two BMX bikes is happening right now. Students need to read for the 30 days of May, fill in the sheet they were provided with by their home group teacher, get it signed by an adult and return it to the office at the end of May.
Best of luck Seniors - let's hope at least one of those bikes go to a student in the SLU.

Some IMPORTANT reminders!

YEAR 6 Parent Conferences begin next week. All year six students received a note for parents to indicate their preferred time to take part in a conference with their child and home group teacher in the SLU. Please check diaries for note and allocated times!
We look forward to seeing lots of year 6 parents in and around the SLU in the coming weeks.

YEAR 7 APPLICATIONS - Year 7 Applications MUST be returned by Friday the 31st of May!!!

PUPIL FREE DAY is on Friday the 31st of May. No students are required at school as teachers will be busy learning throughout the day.

LIGHTNING PREMIERSHIP winter sports will be held on the 4th of June. More information about venues will be sent home with students in the coming week.

PUBLIC HOLIDAY is for the Queen's Birthday and it falls on Monday the 10th of June. No teachers or students required at school.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Welcome to the NEW and EXCITING Blog for the SLU!

2013 just keeps getting better. This Blog is not only going to keep both students and parents up to date with what is happening but it is also going to be used as a portal for reporting.
Watch this space for further updates!