Saturday 27 July 2013

Student of the Week - Term 3 Week 1!

STUDENT OF THE WEEK     Term 3, Week 1, 2013

SENIOR  A:  Caitlin Reilly for being a happy, helpful class member and displaying fantastic work habits.
SENIOR  B: Ebony Hassall for being a fabulous, friendly member of Senior B.
SENIOR  G:  Nicola Gregory for her fantastic independent working skills and organisation in iDrive time.
SENIOR  K: Olivia Castle for being well organised and ‘ready to go’ for Term 3!
SENIOR  L: Sammy Collocott for her inspirational speech during the debate.
SENIOR  M: Emily Gerdtz for her enthusiastic approach to a new classroom role.  Well done Emily!

SENIOR R: Lillian Essex for her very creative poetry.

Monday 15 July 2013


A huge welcome back from all the staff members of the SLU to all students and their families. We hope you had a fun and relaxing holiday. 
Term 3 is full of excitement and it is busy, busy, busy. A few things to look forward to are:

  • Camp to Lady Northcote
  • Concert
  • A new iDrive cycle 
  • Bellaire's 50th birthday celebration preparations in workshops and around the school
  • City2Surf Athletics
  • Girls Football

Remember to keep checking back on the Blog and reading the school newsletter for more updates and information. 

Census at School - Mathematics Data Collection

The SLU students are taking part in an online survey in the coming week. This survey is an opportunity to have access to data for our 'statistics and probability' work the Senior students will be doing as part of the AusVELS mathematics curriculum. It is an exciting opportunity knowing the data the students will be working with is authentic and is based on students around Australia.
Below is some information from the website for Parents and Guardians and also a link to the website.

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Statistics have an impact on many areas of our lives. For instance, data collected in Australia’s Census
of Population and Housing informs our local and regional governments where infrastructure such as
schools, hospitals and roads need to be built. Indeed, as your children progress through school and
into the workforce, they will be exposed to vast amounts of information influenced by statistics, so it’s
vital that they have a high degree of statistical literacy.

To promote students’ statistical literacy and knowledge of Australia’s Census of Population and
Housing, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has developed CensusAtSchool – an Australiawide educational project which includes an annual questionnaire that opens in February and closes in

The CensusAtSchool questionnaire is free and fun for students to complete. It contains 31 noninvasive questions about students’ preferences and activities such as favourite types of music and
how much time they spend on the Internet. The questionnaire is not compulsory; however, the more
students who take part, the richer the pool of data they can access through our Random Sampler for
use in analysis and investigation.

Respecting privacy and safeguarding confidentiality is fundamental to the way in which the ABS
conducts its business. In keeping with this policy, students cannot be identified from their responses
and none of the information collected in the questionnaire will be used for research purposes.

Allowing your child/children to take part in the CensusAtSchool project will increase their ability to
interpret statistical data, thereby empowering them to make informed decisions. If you have any
further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the CensusAtSchool project team on free call 1800
623 273.