Wednesday 26 June 2013

Last Day of Term

The last day of term is always an exciting time. Just a few reminders:

  • It is a casual dress day provided you donate a gold coin. This gold coin donation is going towards World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals. Therefor the theme for he casual dress is - ANIMALS. Come dressed as your favorite animal to support an amazing cause.
  • Students are dismissed at 2:30 on Friday. Lunch will be earlier and assembly will be at 2:00. 
We hope you have a safe, happy and well deserved mid year holiday break. See you on the 15th of July for the beginning of another action packed term! 

Sunday 23 June 2013

Senior hockey tournament

Today, senior students competed in the first ever City to Surf Hockey 7's tournament. 
Bellaire went up against some well trained teams and put in 100% to each game.  The boys scored a goal in their second game.  Unfortunately the girls did not score a goal,  but remaind in good spirits until the final siren.
A big congratulations to all players and a huge thank you to Miss K for all organisation.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Last week the students of the week for Seniors were
Senior A: Amy Pan
Senior B: Phebe de Vries
Senior G: Millie Hedditch
Senior K: Cassidy Sapwell
Senior L: Zalli Fisher
Senior M: Billy Duerden
Senior R: Zoe Perks

Casual Dress Day

On the last day of Term 2 We are having a casual dress day. The theme for the day is 'Animals'. It is a gold coin donation to the charity World Wildlife Fund. JSC suggest that you can dress as your favourite animals colour you could even make some ears and a tail.

Assembly Roster

Assembly Roster:
The next students to be speaking at assembly will be Nelson King and Sharnah Caldow they will be speaking on Friday 21st of June.

What's Happened This Week

This week the seniors have had a homework change. They will receive homework instructions from their maths teacher instead of their homegroup teacher. This is because their maths teacher knows their abilitys better in numeracy. Although students are required to still do 5 nights a week of reading, and that will be checked by their homegroup teacher.

Important Notes and Reminders

Friday, 21st June- Student Reports are sent home
Friday, 28th June- Last Day of Term 2 Assembly is at 2:00 dismissal time is 2:30
Casual Clothes Day- last day of term
Monday, 15th July- 1st day of term 3
Camp notes are due back on the last day of term 2

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Camp note has gone home!

Then Lady Northcote camp note has gone home and everyone got one so there is no excuses on not bringing your note back!

Skills Analysis Workshop

During term 2 some senior students signed up to a special workshop called skill analysis and they got to choose a sports skill they would like to improve or learn. They get one-on-one training with a SEDA student on there chosen skill. Over a five week period the SEDA students will show new techniques and help them improve that skill. Thank you SEDA for letting us have this opportunity!

Important dates

Camp- 26th, 27th, 28th of August
Lantern walk- 21st of June
Planning week- 20th of  June
Reports sent home- 21st of June
Last day of term 2- 28th of June .

Lightning premiership

On Tuesday the 4th of June, all of the senior students participated in lightning premiership. The sports that the students took part in were volleyball, netball, football, t-ball and soccer. The students tried their  hardest and had a great time. Thanks to all the teachers that helped with the sports.

New Aussie of the Month!

Well done to our new Aussie of the Month Olivia Hobbs, great work!

Assembly Speakers

This weeks senior students doing assembly is Kayla Dunn and Eneko Fischer.