Thursday 28 November 2013

Upcoming Events

2014 Parent Information Sessions: The 2014 Information Sessions will be held on Tuesday the 10th of December.At 6pm, parents of 2014 Junior students are invited to attend the JLU's Information Session, 6:45 will be the MLU's 2014 Information Session, and at 7:30 parents of 2014 Seniors are invited to the 2014 SLU Information Session. 

Transition Day: This year, Transition Day will be on Friday, the 13th of December. As usual, it will be a casual dress day with the theme being Christmas.   

Last Day of Year: The end of this year will be on the 20th of December. We will be having an early finish at 1:30pm.

Year 6 Graduation Evening: The Year 6 Graduation Evening will be on the 17th of December this year.

Bellaire Bunnings Sausage Sizzle: This will be on Saturday the 13th of November. (This Saturday!!).

 Please mark these dates and do NOT forget them.

Wednesday 20 November 2013


-Chocolate Money: All chocolate money should have been returned by now, but if you have not returned this money ($50), please do so as soon as possible.

-Second Hand Uniform Sale: If you would like to help out on the day or have good quality uniforms that you no longer need, please contact or go to the school office. All uniforms will be sold for a gold coin donation, except for kilts, on Friday 29th of November from 2:30 to 3:45pm.

-Hooptime Regionals: Congratulations to the Seniors All Star Girls' Basketball Team for putting a great effort in the Regionals Competition, losing only by 1 point against Williamstown in the Grand Final. The opposition scored the shot in the final few seconds, but the girls (Caitlin R, Olivia H, Kleo LT, Julia E, Rebecca B, Bridget O, Maggie G, Sharnah C and Jesse H) participated well and all enjoyed their time there. Thanks to Angela Hobbs, Ali Hasell, Miss Hannan and Miss Kymantis, without whom the day would not have been possible.

-Walk to School Month: Just a reminder to keep walking to school in November.

-Birthday Assembly: Friday the 22nd of November will be a special assembly, celebrating the 50th birthday of Bellaire. It will start a little earlier than usual at 2:40.

Monday 28 October 2013


-Chocolate Drive: Chocolates were sent home recently. Please return these as soon as possible. This is the biggest fundraiser for the year, and the money raised this year will be going towards a forthcoming playground. It would be greatly appreciated if you could get your money back to school as soon as possible.

-Super 8s Cricket: On 29th of October, students participating in Super 8s Cricket will be attending the event. We hope to publish the results on the blog as soon as we are able to, so keep tuned for the overall scores.

-Parent Information Evening:10th of December is the Parent Information Evening for 2014.

-Debating:6th of November is the Geelong Region debating.

-Please make sure you are at school before the bell! Being late is not acceptable and causes many problems, so make sure you get to school before the music.

-Bellaire Bunnings Sausage Sizzle: Saturday 20th of November is the date when Bellaire is having a Sausage Sizzle. It will be outside Bunnings. If you have spare time on this date and would be happy to help out, please leave your details at the school office.

-The Age Online Honour Roll: This year, the Premier's Reading Challenge Honour Roll will be online at

Student of the week Term 4 week 3

The student of the week for last week was:
 Senior A- Oliver loughnan
 Senior B- Kleo Lunnon-talbot
 Senior G- Paige Gray
 Senior K- Emma Russell
 Senior L- Maggie Greenhalgh
 Senior M- Sienna Linguey
 Senior R- Aiden Moyle
Great job for those who worked well last week.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Student of the week

The student of the week for week 8 are: SA- Megan Russell SB- Thomas Portsmouth SG- Marli Ball SK- Alana Gray SL- Julia Eddy SM- Jasmine Southern SR- Sienna Farnsworth Congratulations on the kids who got the student of the week!


Tomorrow will be the school concert as we will be celebrating the 50th birthday in the preview and evening show. We are looking forward to seeing all the different costumes kids will be wearing on the night and during the day. Thanks

Tuesday 3 September 2013


CONCERT DVD- Get your order in now! Order forms will be avaible from the office - don't miss out! PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE- this is the final week of the reading challenge. Please get your reading done and signed in reading record to the office by FRIDAY THE 6TH OF SEPTEMBER! MASSIVE DISCOUNT ON CURRENT SPORT TOPS- Bellaire PS will be introducing a new senior sports top for 2014 and will have them in stock at the end of the year. They will be similar fabric as the old white tops BUT will not be in white colour. Students are still permitted to wear the older style sports tops as well as the new tops. Therefore, to make way for the new sports the School uniform shop will be selling the white sports tops for ONLY $15 each!!